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Канал X4: Foundations: «Новости об игре»
 514 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 11(1692)
Репутация: 54
Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X4: Foundations

Зимняя распродажа Steam 2022 года - пройдёт с 27 января 2022 года по 3 февраля 2022-го.

Было бы желание — а повод для большой распродажи всегда найдётся. Ещё очень давно Steam решил отмечать китайский Новый год, радуя пользователей со всего мира праздничными скидками. И вот настала пора очередных гуляний: уже сейчас в магазине развернулась крупная акция, в рамках которой подешевели сотни игр.

Позиций так много, что Steam предложил ряд удобных методов эффективного «ориентирования на местности»: интересные и выгодные предложения можно отыскать по жанрам и темам.

Вот лишь несколько вариантов:

Также отметим, что в рамках распродажи по случаю Лунного Нового года проходит и ряд франшизных акций. К примеру, по дешёвке можно приобрести разные выпуски Dragon AgeResident EvilHitman и других популярных серий. Ну а завершится этот аттракцион неслыханной щедрости 3 февраля. Времени затариться предостаточно.


Ну и не забываем про X4 Foundations

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH

Последний раз редактировалось: alexalsp (09:11 19-02-2022), всего редактировалось 5 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 12:17 28-01-2022   
 514 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 11(1692)
Репутация: 54
Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
В системах Алчность и Нежданный Куш эхом отдается беззаконие пиратов и мусорщиков. Саундтрек создал Алексей Захаров, известный композитор и звукорежиссер музыки серии игр X. Саундтрек X4: Tides of Avarice даст вам насладиться неизвестностью и взглянуть на вселенную X под новым углом.

X4: Tides of Avarice - превью саундтрека

Это превью даст вам ощутить первые восемь из шестнадцати треков в альбоме. Саундтрек X4: Tides of Avarice станет доступен в Steam и GOG 25 февраля 2022 года. Он также будет доступен на многих платформах, включая Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, и так далее.

Добавляйте саундтрек X4: Tides of Avarice в свой список желаемого уже сейчас.
CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH

Последний раз редактировалось: alexalsp (19:37 07-02-2022), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 19:36 07-02-2022   
 514 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 11(1692)
Репутация: 54
Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X4: Tides of Avarice и обновление 5.00 для X4 выйдут 14 марта 2022 года

Сегодня мы очень рады анонсировать, что новое расширение X4: Tides of Avarice и большое обновление 5.00 для X4: Foundations станут доступны 14 марта 2022 года.

Встречаясь и взаимодействуя с ранее неизвестными фракциями пиратов и мусорщиков за чертой закона, вы измените свое представление об общественном порядке и справедливости во Вселенной Х. В новых секторах и опасных регионах вас ждут не только новые корабли и станции, но и уникальные космические явления, которые значительно повлияют на ваши планы и действия. Кто же эти загадочные кукловоды, обуздавшие столь редкий и необходимый ресурс, и какая за этим всем скрывается история? Ответы вы найдёте, когда откроете для себя новую захватывающую главу X4: Foundations.

X4: Tides of Avarice станет доступно для скачивания 14 марта 2022 года с 6pm CET [5pm GMT / 1pm EDT / 10am PDT]. Чтобы узнать больше, посетите страницу расширения в Steam, где вы можете предзаказать X4: Tides of Avarice или добавить его в свой список желаемого.

Чтобы узнать больше об обновлении 5.00 для X4: Foundations, посетите новостной центр Steam или www.egosoft.com.

В преддверии релиза, вы все еще можете ожидать следующее:
  • 25 февраля 2022 года: релиз саундтрека X4: Tides of Avarice
  • 1 марта 2022 года: первые предпоказы X4: Tides of Avarice и предварительно записанные видео от авторов контента
  • 7 марта 2022 года: Первые обзоры прессы и стримы X4: Tides of Avarice
  • 7 марта 2022 года: выход предрелизного трейлера X4: Tides of Avarice
  • 14 марта 2022 года: релиз X4: Tides of Avarice

Спасибо за вашу поддержку и за то, что следили за нашим прогрессом!

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH
    Добавлено: 23:03 18-02-2022   
 514 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 11(1692)
Репутация: 54
Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X4 Foundations Public Beta - Version: 5.00 Release (474665) - Last updated: 2022-03-14

 Cкрытый текст   (кликните здесь для просмотра)
New Feature: Scrap recycling.
New Feature: New Paranid capital ship designs.
New Feature: Personal office on HQ.
New Feature: Support for AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR).
Added several new achievements.
Added "special" NPC's offering new mission chains.
Added information about multiple production methods to Encyclopedia.
Added possibility to change equipment of multiple ships of same model at same time.
Added options to control whether player ships wait for player under certain circumstances.
Added new voices for Duke's Buccaneers and Realm of the Trinity faction representatives.
Added new default behaviour Local AutoTrade.
Added Retrieve from Internal Storage option for stored ships.
Added mouse steering HUD indicator.
Added buttons for quick access to Map filters.
Added trade offer icons to Map legend.
Added texts to explain status icons in Logical Station Overview.
Added hull integrity efficiency display to Logical Station Overview.
Added hull info to station modules in Object List and Property Owned menus.
Added hull and shield details to hull shield bar mouseover texts.
Added mouseover text to explain warning icon for research entries.
Added icons to improve display of workforce capacity and growth effects.
Added preview for Default Ship Skin in Custom Gamestart Editor.
Added Reloading UI message when changing certain settings.
Added warning when client becomes modified during gameplay.
Added info about saves being modified to Load Game menu.
Added option for mods to specify maximum supported version of game or other required extensions (maxversion attribute in dependencies).
Changed behaviour of contested sectors to become ownerless if old owner no longer has any claim.
Changed name of Distribute Wares order to Fill Shortages.
Changed colour for illegal wares in menus.
Changed position of Reset View button in Map menu to upper left corner.
Removed research resource warnings for research that is not yet available.
Removed rectangles around small details in scan mode.
Improved hints and warnings during some complicated sections of HQ story.
Improved visuals of faction vs faction guild mission intro room.
Improved fighter combat movement.
Improved choice of mining location by mining ships.
Improved initial approach of capital ships in combat, particularly against stations.
Improved aim accuracy against surface elements of moving targets.
Improved loadout range for NPC construction vessels to give them more construction drones.
Improved accuracy of gas and mineral indicators on map.
Improved saving of loadouts and construction plans by enabling text input by default.
Improved information and target monitor display for hackable control panels.
Improved logbook entry for ships that have fled.
Improved trade filtering on Map when combining specific ware filters and other filters.
Improved Map to show icons matching text filter even when zoomed out.
Improved Selected Object info in Map.
Improved joystick button auto-repeat.
Improved interior locations for Argon station designs.
Fixed Going Offensive mission potentially getting stuck if mission left for too long.
Fixed some saved mission loadouts not being loadable (does not fix loadouts that have already been saved).
Fixed passenger transport missions occasionally not having guidance when accepted.
Fixed some missions getting stuck when using Moreya while under cover.
Fixed hack station missions instructing player to dock when standing on docked ship.
Fixed some Split War Subscription missions sometimes requesting Sentinel type instead of Argon Vanguard.
Fixed crew amounts of player property ships not being imported correctly from exported Custom Gamestarts.
Fixed crew amounts in Custom Gamestart Editor not allowing all values under certain circumstances.
Fixed unrealistic player ship movement when colliding with smaller objects.
Fixed container magnet not working well on certain capital ships.
Fixed certain random drops from destroyed asteroids not getting cleaned up over time.
Fixed dropped cargo being instantly picked back up again by pushing containers away from hull.
Fixed destroyed objects disappearing instead of being wrecked under certain conditions.
Fixed some characters remaining on bridge of boarded ships after successful operation.
Fixed automatic targeting failing to aim at capital ship engines.
Fixed small plasma weapon not being able to gimbal up/down.
Fixed forward-mounted missile launchers doing damage with no ammo when player not present.
Fixed ships and stations destroying objects in highways when player not present.
Fixed ships engaging mass traffic ships when moving long-distance while patrolling.
Fixed turrets on ships not firing on valid targets if set to Attack Fighters or Attack Capital Ships but no turrets are set to Attack All Enemies.
Fixed carriers with subordinates getting too close to their targets when in combat.
Fixed police ships sometimes forgetting about ships and stations that they already scanned.
Fixed Deposit Inventory order being removed from repeated order queue if pilot has nothing to deposit.
Fixed very rare case of ships failing to avoid collisions with stations.
Fixed ships sometimes failing to dock after being sold.
Fixed movement problems when undocking from moving ships.
Fixed getting stuck if pressing Shift+D while crouching on board ship.
Fixed subordinates of very full carriers not getting repaired at their carrier when they dock.
Fixed falling through some floors on dock areas of capital ships that are themselves docked.
Fixed rare issue where stations may not have certain rooms.
Fixed missing group training option when assigning crew to player HQ with group training capabilities.
Fixed not being able to retrieve ship from storage under certain conditions.
Fixed rare case involving invisible cargo space reservation for wares that are no longer needed but still have manual storage amounts defined.
Fixed extremely rare case of automatic storage allocation failing for stations with excessive amounts of storage.
Fixed rare case of insufficient cargo allocation for terraforming projects.
Fixed research resource amounts overriding trade ware storage allocation.
Fixed incorrect price of Proton Barrage MK1/Mk2 and Meson Stream Mk2 weapons.
Fixed Hatikvah Free League and Scaleplate Pact not having access to blueprint for Behemoth Main Battery.
Fixed docking guidance going through walls at certain dock areas.
Fixed some game settings not being reset when restoring defaults.
Fixed more cases of NPCs warping to their destination.
Fixed some capital ship bridges staying at red alert after having once been in combat.
Fixed ship stopping when opening menu while matching speed despite Maintain Speed in Menus being set.
Fixed resource warning icon for research that has already started.
Fixed mission context menus not working when NPC object is selected.
Fixed Boarding menu reporting more marines being assigned while pods are in flight.
Fixed station plots in Xenon sectors showing plot fee before placing.
Fixed equipment mod crafting sometimes showing more properties than are possible.
Fixed stimulants production module being at wrong position in Station Build menu.
Fixed Logical Station Overview not correctly visualising connections of production modules with three different resource types.
Fixed Terran E pier geometry being at wrong position in Station Build menu.
Fixed Manorina (Mineral) front hatches intersecting in Ship Build/Upgrade menus.
Fixed equipment listed for shopping list entries in Ship Upgrade menu.
Fixed sort order of equipment in Ship and Station Configuration menus.
Fixed missing ship information in transaction log when involved ship was destroyed after transaction (applies to new entries only).
Fixed various minor issues in transaction log.
Fixed workforce efficiency info being hidden in Logical Station Overview for some player stations.
Fixed missing sector selection for Buy and Sell orders.
Fixed Resource Probe scanning range value in Encyclopedia.
Fixed issue with shift-selecting docked ships in Property Owned menu.
Fixed ship system indicators being visible while docking/undocking.
Fixed Map camera jumping when returning from Plot Management tab.
Fixed orientation of certain icons in Map info boxes.
Fixed text input in Steam Big Picture mode.
Fixed being able to duplicate controls that are not remappable.
Fixed nearby ships sometimes being invisible.
Fixed delay in updating crosshair hull and shield bars.
Fixed flickering target shield bar in hazardous regions under certain circumstances.
Fixed Magpie cockpit hatch pushing player into ship wall when opening.
Fixed Katana ramp not opening correctly.
Fixed mirrored text on 3M6S dock area.
Fixed certain cases of flickering asteroids.
Fixed lens flares being visible through hull of own capital ship.
[Beta 1 Hotfix 1] Fixed missing voiceover during some story moments (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 1 Hotfix 1] Fixed rare chance of game becoming modified (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Added raw scrap processing modules to Logical Station Overview (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Added Scrap Metal processing information to Encyclopedia (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Added welfare and processing modules to custom gamestart editor (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Added alarm sounds for enemy proximity and enemy attack (current sounds are placeholders).
[Beta 2] Added new multi-tiered fight music tracks.
[Beta 2] Changed Trade Filter Max Price in Map menu to apply no filter if set to zero.
[Beta 2] Improved balancing of recycling (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Improved resource costs and pricing of Paranid E ships (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Improved carrier combat behaviour when all subordinates are set to Docked.
[Beta 2] Improved fight music trigger conditions.
[Beta 2] Fixed imported custom gamestarts that were over-budget on import still showing as over-budget after reducing costs under certain circumstances.
[Beta 2] Fixed Torus Mission not continuing after successfully flying through initial airlock in Neptunian Terraforming story.
[Beta 2] Fixed incorrect lines being spoken during welfare module research mission.
[Beta 2] Fixed welfare module research mission not being available from savegames.
[Beta 2] Fixed welfare module blueprint not being available if unlocked via custom gamestart.
[Beta 2] Fixed Duke's Buccaneers relations being reset unintentionally (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed Deliver Salvage order (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed tugs working for stations requiring their stations to have funds (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed tugs running AutoSalvage failing to find wrecks (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed tug not being able to use loot magnet (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed carriers with active subordinates plotting positions far enough away from targets that they lose sight of their targets and disengage.
[Beta 2] Fixed ships disengaging and incorrectly reporting they are unable to reach destination when attacking over long distances (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed aim problems with turrets on moving ships (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed switching ships at Mod Workbench (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed multi-ship resupply case (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed description for ship interior destinations in elevator menu (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed amounts and durations for non-default production methods in Encyclopedia (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed menu crash when upgrading multiple capital ships under certain circumstances (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed loadouts shown as incompatible for upgrading ships or exiting station modules (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed paying twice when upgrading ships and missing refunds when cancelling upgrades (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed not being able to drop items from Inventory (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 2] Fixed mission offer groups in Mission Offers menu sometimes requiring 2 clicks to collapse.
[Beta 2] Fixed Ship Behaviour menu not being displayed under certain circumstances.
[Beta 2] Fixed turret positions on Teladi capital mining ships.
[Beta 3] Added cooldown time to station storage hacking.
[Beta 3] Added notification if player-owned capital ship is ordered to go mining but has no mining drones.
[Beta 3] Added markers for failed orders in Map menu.
[Beta 3] Added ability to enable SETA while sitting in chair or standing at terminal (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Improved welfare module research mission (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Improved coordination between multiple free-flying police ships operating in same sector.
[Beta 3] Improved saving time.
[Beta 3] Fixed The Unworthy Entrepreneur gamestart intro narration cutting off.
[Beta 3] Fixed several cases of custom gamestart faction relations being overwritten during story missions.
[Beta 3] Fixed helpful hint in deliver ship missions never appearing again.
[Beta 3] Fixed sub-missions in Mission Briefing context menu being wrongly marked as completed under certain circumstances.
[Beta 3] Fixed War of Intervention mission guidance getting stuck if fleet commander is assigned to different patrol fleet.
[Beta 3] Fixed player getting offered A Heart for Pirates mission despite leaving Yaki territory on bad terms.
[Beta 3] Fixed Save Them From Themselves mission remaining active after NPC has defected during Mutually Assured Destruction mission.
[Beta 3] Fixed A Matter of Respect mission getting stuck if player runs away before fight or if informant's ship is scrapped before player approaches mission area.
[Beta 3] Fixed max range for Advanced AutoMine and Advanced AutoTrade being capped at piloting skill minus one.
[Beta 3] Fixed AutoSalvage range being capped at pilot's or manager's skill minus one (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed tugs on AutoSalvage collecting wrecks that cannot be recycled (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed resource cost of Helios E (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed menu selection in Behaviour menu jumping to first row.
[Beta 3] Fixed missing options in Interact menu under certain circumstances.
[Beta 3] Fixed not being able to select or target objects on Map under certain circumstances.
[Beta 3] Fixed trade and mission offer interactions being available while selecting order parameters.
[Beta 3] Fixed UI not working when sitting in chair or standing at terminal after using external view (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed custom gamestarts starting in spacesuit showing as invalid (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed extra funds returned to player when downgrading multiple ships (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed repair of multiple ships not working under certain circumstances (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed consumables not being available when building ships (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed issues with mission guidance on map and radar especially after leaving highway (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed selected object section in Map missing ship count if multiple ships are selected under certain circumstances (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed manual storage allocation in Logical Station Overview menu (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed mission groups in Mission menu sometimes requiring 2 clicks to open (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed switching ship class at Mod Workbench (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed Ship Overview menu (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 3] Fixed menu crash in Behaviour menu under certain circumstances.
[Beta 4] Added hidden pirate operations that may include valuable targets.
[Beta 4] Added new equipment mods.
[Beta 4] Added fifth subordinate group for station subordinates.
[Beta 4] Added support for copy and paste in text fields.
[Beta 4] Added info about production cycles per hour to Encyclopedia.
[Beta 4] Added station upkeep and storage information to Selected Object section in Map menu.
[Beta 4] Added Default Behaviour icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
[Beta 4] Added button to Logical Station Overview to pause/unpause processing modules (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 4] Removed confusing warning about production modules partially waiting for production queue in Logical Station Overview nodes (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 4] Improved button position for ware, sector and faction selection in Map and Global Orders menus.
[Beta 4] Improved button position for trade ware selection in Logical Station Overview.
[Beta 4] Improved Object Info menu to remember previous tab, where possible, when opened from Interact menu.
[Beta 4] Improved sorting of trade orders when selecting Default Behaviour.
[Beta 4] Improved lifetime of ship wrecks to make salvaging easier (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 4] Fixed Paranid story skipping to final state after progressing mission in custom gamestart.
[Beta 4] Fixed station subordinate upkeep missions sometimes not completing after ship assignment.
[Beta 4] Fixed dialog during Teladi encounter at Mars-Asteroid Belt Gate getting interrupted by Terran plot dialog if cutscene is skipped.
[Beta 4] Fixed freeze on manual ware exchange between two ships.
[Beta 4] Fixed player-controlled capital ships aborting travel mode when colliding with asteroids.
[Beta 4] Fixed ships sometimes getting stuck after passing control to AI and leaving.
[Beta 4] Fixed turrets set to Attack My Current Target continuing to fire after selecting non-hostile target.
[Beta 4] Fixed effect values shown for equipment Radar Visibility, Hazardous Region Damage Reduction and Cargo Concealment mod properties (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 4] Fixed Building Drones showing hourglass icon on radar and map.
[Beta 4] Fixed menu position in Behaviour and Individual Instructions menu jumping to first row.
[Beta 4] Fixed alert levels not shown in Object List or Property Owned menu under certain circumstances.
[Beta 4] Fixed mission guidance on map skipping over steps (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 4] Fixed god-rays (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 4] Fixed underlying cause of specific long freeze.
[Beta 4] Fixed Kukri not having a wreck.
[Beta 4 HF 1] Fixed aim problems in some ships when firing at mouse cursor position (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 4 HF 1] Fixed capital ships colliding with invisible objects.
[Beta 5] Added Anchor Space parameter to AutoSalvage order (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Added Gambling Den interior to player stations with relevant welfare module (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Added AI order and behaviour descriptions to mouseover tooltips on Map.
[Beta 5] Changed chair in personal office to open Empire Overview menu when sitting there (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Removed ID codes shown for non-ship and non-station objects in Map menu (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Improved AutoSalvage to always pick closest unclaimed piece of scrap they can work with (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Improved mining ships behaviour to be much less likely to travel far from sector core for resources.
[Beta 5] Improved consistency of turret group naming in various menus.
[Beta 5] Improved UI display of Radar Cloak ship modifications to be clearer about effect (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Improved ship controls to be enabled while multi-stage hint text is shown.
[Beta 5] Improved menu navigation with controller in Player Information and Transaction Log menus.
[Beta 5] Fixed blue square shown on docked non-player ships in Object List (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed player office not appearing on HQ obtained as part of Terran gamestarts (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed repair drones being available for M ships (removed from existing ships and refunded).
[Beta 5] Fixed miners assigned to Mimic their commander changing their anchor space when their commander changes sectors.
[Beta 5] Fixed build drones not available for Compactor ships (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed multiple salvage ships going after same scrap (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed trade subordinates of stations with salvage capability trying to trade raw scrap (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed inability to change target of Collect Salvage to non-recyclable wreck that can otherwise be towed (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed Radar Visibility ship modifications not working correctly under certain conditions (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed ships warping or failing to move properly if AI took over from player while near large object (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed station rooms sometimes being placed at capital ship docking positions (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed fleet subordinates not engaging hostiles according to their assignment when in transit.
[Beta 5] Fixed some NPC stations not having, or wanting, sufficient drones.
[Beta 5] Fixed certain discounts/commissions not unlocking when they should.
[Beta 5] Fixed asteroids appearing to suddenly spawn near mining ships.
[Beta 5] Fixed triggering of Data Mining achievement when receiving blueprint as random scan reward.
[Beta 5] Fixed missing Dismantle Wreck option on wrecks (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed missing user question about discarding planned default behaviour under certain circumstances
[Beta 5] Fixed comm cutscenes occasionally getting stuck.
[Beta 5] Fixed verbal notifications being repeatedly spoken by player-owned ships with looped orders.
[Beta 5] Fixed false positive Game Modified notifications under certain circumstances (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed Ship Configuration menu crash under certain circumstances (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Reverted removal of repair drones for M ships (reverts change in 5.00, previously refunded drones are not restored).
[Beta 6] Added salvage-specific upkeep mission to stations needing Tug ships (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Added key binding to deselect current target.
[Beta 6] Added map filter to toggle rendering of satellite coverage.
[Beta 6] Added options to change enemy warning sounds (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Added product and resources per hour information for Processing Modules to Logical Station Overview (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Added access point to inventory storage in player office (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Added holographic effects to Terran 4-dock pier to make capital ship docking easier.
[Beta 6] Added warning when starting game with NVIDIA version 436.51 drivers or older.
[Beta 6] Changed objects within gravidar-obscuring regions to no longer be marked on map when pinged using LRS (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Improved stellar output in Bright Promise and Heart of Acrimony II.
[Beta 6] Improved pacing of Processing Module operation (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Improved docking hint by not mentioning spacesuit if target does not have matching dock.
[Beta 6] Improved notification of recurring order failure resulting from assignments or default behaviours.
[Beta 6] Improved target monitor UI for salvage-related orders (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed inconsistent custom gamestart compatibility check (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed Paranid story missions activating when set to be complete in custom gamestart (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed ship crews bailing in response to player demanding they surrender while in spacesuit.
[Beta 6] Fixed attacking ships sometimes overshooting their target on long-distance movement.
[Beta 6] Fixed several instances of friendly ships attacking player after all enemy ships are destroyed in story missions (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed ships assigned to trade for station build storage refusing to do so unless build storage is able to pay for it.
[Beta 6] Fixed towed objects sometimes disappearing after saving and loading (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed police factions protecting Duke's Buccaneers (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed random NPCs wandering into player office (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed jumping selection in Manage Plots tab of Map menu.
[Beta 6] Fixed docking hint remaining on screen much too long if docking permission is repeatedly requested.
[Beta 6] Fixed incorrectly scrolled view without scroll bar in Logical Station Overview when hiding display of Economy Statistics.
[Beta 6] Fixed inconsistent cargo numbers when using Ware Exchange.
[Beta 6] Fixed menu crash in Behaviour tab in Map menu.
[Beta 6] Fixed HUD icons for recyclables (new feature in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed Game Over text not appearing (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed certain large landmarks not being visible from long distance.
[Beta 6] Fixed room overlapping with trader's shop on Argon trade stations.
[Beta 6] Fixed docking bays on Teladi capital ships being placed above intended location.
[Beta 6] Fixed minor graphical glitches on various Terran station modules.
[Beta 6] Fixed excessively dirty cockpit glass on Argon L capital ship bridges.
[Beta 6] Fixed collision mesh in cockpit on Katana.
[Beta 6] Fixed Katana paint mod affecting unwanted surfaces.
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed relations between player and Duke's Buccaneers unintentionally being reset to default (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed Duke's Buccaneers continuing to destroy player's satellites after The Insurgence mission (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6 HF1] Fixed Duke's Buccaneers not having any trade partners after A New Haven mission (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 1] Added option to disable enemy warning sounds (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 1] Improved mission briefings by removing certain distracting map elements.
[RC 1] Improved salvage collection to allow operation in space belonging to hostile factions or that have hazardous regions if range is zero (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 1] Improved determination of available threads on Linux systems.
[RC 1] Fixed Zyarth's Coffin mission getting stuck because of missing trade offer on delivery station.
[RC 1] Fixed inconsistent ship behaviour when trading between player stations that don't have money.
[RC 1] Fixed player-owned stations paying player-owned ships for deliveries when they shouldn't (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 1] Fixed capital ships continuing to strafe in combat if forward guns are deactivated while already engaged.
[RC 1] Fixed ships fleeing into blacklisted sectors (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 1] Fixed ships sometimes looping back and forth through jump gates (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 1] Fixed ships sometimes switching targets during long approach when given explicit attack order (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 1] Fixed Scrap Metal misleadingly being available as ware for AutoMine (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 1] Fixed manual buy amounts for Raw Scrap not working if Scrap Metal has manually allocated storage (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 1] Fixed cargo containers dropped when hacking station storage sometimes ending up inside modules.
[RC 1] Fixed station plots being able to be placed in fog of war or overlapping other stations.
[RC 1] Fixed ships sometimes repeatedly docking and undocking while fleeing.
[RC 1] Fixed duplicated Player HQ module in Station Build menu of empty plot.
[RC 1] Fixed selecting Fleet commander on Map changing to Unassigned Ships category.
[RC 1] Fixed option to hire being available for enemy Builder ships.
[RC 1] Fixed Logical Station Overview options being missing under certain circumstances.
[RC 1] Fixed incorrect camera position when saving and loading while sitting on station.
[RC 1] Fixed space suit lights not turning on (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 2] Added Condensate Storage to Ship Statistics (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 2] Added more emergency alert sounds (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 2] Improved balancing of Scrap recycling (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 2] Fixed case of Coffin ship not undocking in Split story mission To The Other Side.
[RC 2] Fixed Dr. Rick Feynman repeating dialog during Segaris Pioneer story mission Second Assistant.
[RC 2] Fixed ships delivered for certain missions potentially ending up with wrong owner.
[RC 2] Fixed standby pilots remaining inactive even after player has taken control of another ship.
[RC 2] Fixed ships docked waiting for player removing their next order after being told to proceed.
[RC 2] Fixed patrolling or protecting fighters not engaging capital ships or stations (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 2] Fixed ships not being able to find salvage when not close to player (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 2] Fixed partial player logo visibility on Odysseus E (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 2] Fixed some items on map being uncoloured (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 2] Fixed steam overlay and OBS capture with latest graphics drivers.
[RC 2] Fixed changing graphics settings on Linux aborting due to time-out.
[RC 3] Added remaining processing time information to Processing Modules in Logical Station Overview (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 3] Improved salvage delivery to stations with more than one processing module (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 3] Removed fleet delivery requirement for repair drones for Split story missions Declaration of Curbs and Fires of Fate.
[RC 3] Fixed Dr. Rick Feynman repeating dialog during Segaris Pioneer story mission Data Transfer.
[RC 3] Fixed tug ships not letting go of whatever they are towing when they are destroyed (new feature in 5.00).
[RC 3] Fixed ships flying to highways then getting stuck (problem introduced in 5.00).
[RC 3] Fixed slow start-up and long delay when changing graphics settings on Linux (problem introduced in 5.00).
[Beta 6] Fixed several causes of crashes.

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH

Последний раз редактировалось: alexalsp (21:18 17-03-2022), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 20:12 14-03-2022   
 514 EGP

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Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
Version: 5.00 HF 1 (475121) - 2022-03-15

Fixed Kyd from stranded gamestart being invulnerable.
Fixed player-owned station being selected in The Station Swindle mission of Pirate story.
Fixed captured High-Tech Traders disappearing in High-Tech Hold-Up mission of Pirate story.
Fixed incorrect pay-out when personally towing wrecked ships to processing module.
Fixed encyclopedia description text for Teuta.

Version: 5.00 HF 2 (475121) - 2022-03-17

Fixed Axiom refusing to fly to Woodworm Scrubs in The Past a Prison mission of Pirate story
Fixed objective sometimes reverting to Install Mod in Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
Fixed ammo selection disappearing when using ship editor in custom gamestarts.
Fixed Erlking turret blueprints not being obtainable.
CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH
    Добавлено: 20:58 17-03-2022   
 514 EGP

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Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X4 Foundations - Version: 5.00 HF 3 Release (475603) - Last updated: 2022-03-22

Fixed Aurora Casino being selected as target in A Demonstration of Power and A Change in Management missions.
Fixed bar disappearing if player leaves early during Trading Lessons mission of Avarice story.
Fixed missing actor in bar during bar investigation during Arcadian Ambitions mission of Pirate story.
Fixed research not being possible in Avarice story when starting custom gamestart with Protectyon set to researched.
Fixed ship travelling to Avarice sometimes not being warned about Tide.
Fixed Kha'ak Forager ships not firing weapons.
Fixed game sometimes freezing when loading certain savegames.
Fixed saving sometimes taking excessively long.

5.00 Hotfix 3 released

Трудно поверить, что с момента выхода X4: Tides of Avarice и большого обновления 5.00 для X4: Foundations прошло всего около недели. Мы хотели бы поблагодарить вас за то, что эта неделя оказалась для нас очень успешной. Мы получили массу положительных отзывов и очень рады, что привлекли много новых игроков во вселенную X4.

Egosoft не была бы той компанией, которую вы знаете, если бы мы просто сидели и отдыхали после большого релиза. Вы, вероятно, заметили, что мы уже выпустили несколько исправлений для 5.00, направленных на устранение некоторых ошибок, и сегодня мы добавляем к этому списку третье исправление. Полные списки изменений всех трех исправлений вы найдете на нашем форуме.

Мы надеемся, что вы продолжите получать удовольствие от X4: Foundations и X4: Tides of Avarice! Пожалуйста, продолжайте распространять информацию и не забудьте оставить отзыв о X4: Foundations и X4: Tides of Avarice.
CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH

Последний раз редактировалось: alexalsp (00:30 23-03-2022), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 23:04 22-03-2022   
 514 EGP

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Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
Version: 5.00 HF 4 (475603) - 2022-03-24

Завершена локализация обновления 5.00 для Упрощенного китайского языка.
Обновлена локализация для русского, французского и польского языков.
CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH
    Добавлено: 17:46 24-03-2022   
 514 EGP

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Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X-22 - рабочее название новой, десятой игры серии X от Egosoft.

Известно, что на 29 декабря 2021 года немецкое правительство инвестировало в разработку игры 941 587 евро.

Неизвестно точно, позиционируется ли продукт как аддон или как отдельная игра. Тем не менее, это не DLC. Игра должна выйти на Windows PC и Linux. Основополагающие её принципы - те же, что и предыдущих игр: полная свобода действий, возможность как участвовать в сюжете, так и заниматься своими делами. Игрок может построить свою космическую империю, создавая станции, стать самым страшным пиратом во Вселенной либо просто следовать основному сюжету. Разработчики обещают детально проработанную, завершённую и реалистичную экономику.

Предварительная оценка времени разработки: 15.09.2021-14.11.2022

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH
    Добавлено: 01:09 03-04-2022   
 653 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 13(2139)
Репутация: 31
Сообщения: 1583
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 30.08.2012
alexalsp :
Неизвестно точно, позиционируется ли продукт как аддон или как отдельная игра
На сайте минторга Германии написано: "X4-22" (рабочее название) - это отдельная новая игра, основанная на успешной серии игр для космического моделирования / песочницы „X“ от EGOSOFT GmbH." Очевидно, что это аддон.
    Добавлено: 16:25 03-04-2022   
 514 EGP

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Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
Не прошло и месяца, как мы снова дополнили и улучшили вселенную X4, выпустив X4: Tides of Avarice и крупное обновление 5.00. С тех пор мы не стали почивать на лаврах, а сразу приступили к обновлению 5.10. Сегодня мы рады представить вам следующее обновление для X4: Foundations. Полный список изменений можно найти на наших форумах.

Мы хотим заверить вас, что мы еще не закончили работу над X4, однако просим учесть, что следующее обновление для игры стоит ожидать немного позже, и мы не сможем рассказать о нем подробно в ближайшее время.

А пока мы надеемся, что вы продолжите наслаждаться X4, строить свою империю, исследовать далекие системы, погрузитесь в сюжет и дадите себе возможность с головой окунуться во вселенную X.

 Version: 5.10 (476551) - 2022-04-07   (кликните здесь для просмотра)

Added option to choose which ship to transfer to Mr Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III in mission Scrapyard Salvage of Avarice story.
Added Protectyon Shield Generator to Logical Station Overview.
Added station type icons to station HUD elements.
Added automatic mouseover tooltips for truncated texts.
Added target elements for Vaults and Landmarks.
Added ware reservation information to station cargo display.
Added option to use Ctrl+Shift together as modifier for keyboard input.
Removed asteroids from Next Target list.
Improved player ship starting weapons in Spear of the Patriarch gamestart.
Improved Tangling with the Teladi mission by rebalancing loadout of pursuing fleet.
Improved ambush attack handling in Enigmatic Avarice mission of Avarice story.
Improved time between Boso Ta's calls for Cease and Desist mission in Segaris Pioneer story.
Improved ending of Avarice story to avoid reputation loss and prolonged engagement with Vigor Syndicate.
Improved balancing of Protectyon availability on Tidebreak.
Improved visibility of Long Range Scan ping of Erlking Vaults.
Improved aiming of weapons against certain targets such as Kha'ak stations, mass traffic, new ships, and other structures.
Improved application of construction plans to stations to reduce cases of modules being recycled and then reconstructed unnecessarily.
Improved workforce growth/decline rates to avoid large swings in consumed resources.
Improved precision of movement by individual player-owned ships given explicit movement orders.
Improved flee behaviour of fleeing ships that already have travel mode active.
Improved combat movement of fighters attacking other fighters when the player is around.
Improved input information shown in Interaction and External View messages.
Improved layout of Ship Modification menu.
Improved display of messages on Message Ticker.
Improved background in Windfall.
Fixed Casino welfare mission sometimes having no objectives.
Fixed Casino welfare module research not unlocking in certain cases.
Fixed Going Clean mission for Hatikvah sometimes getting stuck.
Fixed player sometimes not being able to dock spacesuit at Astrid during Answers in a Faraway System mission of Avarice story.
Fixed involuntarily being teleported out of spacesuit during Answers in a Faraway System mission of Avarice story.
Fixed unique Astrid equipment sometimes being missing after successfully capturing it.
Fixed rare freeze during Track Ship mission.
Fixed missing engine and shield generator on story Katana.
Fixed Duke's Buccaneers and Paranid factions not being at war after specific diplomatic choice during Paranid story.
Fixed selling Protectyon for high price not triggering The Freest of Markets achievement in Avarice story.
Fixed Boso Ta repeating himself in certain cases during Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
Fixed issues with racing ship being destroyed prematurely in Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission of Avarice story.
Fixed Boso Ta signal leak not being discoverable in Tides of Avarice sectors.
Fixed incorrect Brantlee dialog during Brantlee Northriver's Competition mission in Avarice story.
Fixed Dagobas Lahubasis Yorilos III missing during dock conversation with Ebby Bro during Scrapyard Salvage mission of Avarice story.
Fixed player relation to VIG faction to bring it back up to neutral if it dropped after Avarice story ends.
Fixed player being addressed with gamestart character's name in Arcadian Ambitions mission despite having changed it.
Fixed Haile Shinamon briefly being hostile towards player if Amplifier is destroyed under specific circumstances.
Fixed Godrealm of the Paranid and Holy Order of the Pontifex remaining as client faction for Build Station missions after specific player diplomatic decision.
Fixed issues with hacking station in Pirate story.
Fixed transfer of credits for mission trades not working.
Fixed Vigor Syndicate and Riptide Rakers defence stations not having correct crew.
Fixed not being able to reliably use anomalies with large ships.
Fixed workforce resources not being bought on stations without production or build modules even though Fill Whole Habitat is set.
Fixed some instances where ships that are otherwise able to trade are unable to do looped trades.
Fixed hacking of turrets not being taken into account in damage calculations when player is not present.
Fixed incorrect weapon damage calculation if same weapon appeared in active primary and secondary weapon groups.
Fixed ships sometimes fleeing towards their attacker even though not fleeing toward highway, gate, or station.
Fixed police ships and station customs finding illegal wares in cargo holds of ships equipped with Mirage mod.
Fixed pirates determining cargo of ships equipped with Mirage mod.
Fixed cases of stuck large trade ships trying to execute trade.
Fixed ships and modules destroyed while under construction not contributing correct scrap.
Fixed last module destroyed on station not contributing scrap.
Fixed laser towers firing on enemy objects that are not hostile.
Fixed loss of ability to use control stations in first person under certain circumstances.
Fixed miners sometimes not being able to gather resources even in non-depleted areas.
Fixed stations with processing modules not buying any Raw Scrap if all solid storage capacity is allocated manually.
Fixed player receiving excessive gratitude for destroying hostile ships around stations.
Fixed Build Storage storage being destructible and restored destroyed storage.
Fixed capital ships not being able to collect crates full of cash.
Fixed rare case where NPCs would not appear on stations.
Fixed certain stations not allowing docking in very extreme savegames.
Fixed bridges for docked capital ships being missing from station elevator destinations under certain circumstances.
Fixed certain rooms sometimes not appearing in transporter menu.
Fixed Closed Loop production method not being listed for certain equipment in Encyclopedia.
Fixed overlapping texts in Target Monitor and Message Ticker.
Fixed selecting specific ware on map overriding all other trade filters.
Fixed module search and filter in Station Build menu.
Fixed Match Target Speed and Map pan/rotate toggle not working as toggle once any control was remapped.
Fixed auto-selected target being lost immediately when looking away in gamepad mode.
Fixed current target being lost when changing between mouse and gamepad input.
Fixed having to toggle flight assist twice after turning off travel mode.
Fixed Direct Mouse Steering mode turning off after using menu.
Fixed incorrect button icons being displayed when playing with controller under Linux.
Fixed air marshals sometimes performing incorrect gestures during docking.
Fixed incorrect positions of certain turrets/shields on Barbarossa.
Fixed floating antenna geometry on Baldric and Jian.
Fixed off-centre collision issues with Shih.
Fixed weapons not being able to properly target Helios E.
Fixed various French voice and Chinese Traditional localisation issues.

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH

Последний раз редактировалось: alexalsp (18:59 07-04-2022), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 18:50 07-04-2022   
 112 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 9(1057)
Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 1107
Откуда: Смоленск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 01.11.2006
Egosoft CEO Bernd Lehahn выступит сегодня в подкасте Space Game Junkie на тему разработки X4: Foundations в целом и X4: Tides of Avarice в частности.

Эфир запланирован на 20:00 по Москве на каналах Twitch и YouTube.
«Война, торговля и разбой - три вида сущности одной» (c) Гёте. Про творение Эгософта говорил, не иначе :)

Последний раз редактировалось: S!rAssassin (11:23 13-04-2022), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 11:22 13-04-2022   
 112 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 9(1057)
Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 1107
Откуда: Смоленск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 01.11.2006
К патчу 5.10 вышел хотфикс 1:
Fixed Lu t'Cca not being in his cell in Prison level 1 after player leaves area during The Past a Prison mission of Pirate story.
Fixed Teuta potentially getting stuck trying to dismantle wreck that is already being processed by processing module.
Fixed player getting very large amounts of money when player-owned capital ships collect deployables.
Fixed drones disappearing when recalled while launching.
Fixed remaining cases of ships attempting to mine areas without resources.
Fixed French voice and Russian localisation issues.
Fixed several causes of crashes.

«Война, торговля и разбой - три вида сущности одной» (c) Гёте. Про творение Эгософта говорил, не иначе :)
    Добавлено: 19:58 13-04-2022   
 514 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 11(1692)
Репутация: 54
Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X4 Foundations  - Version: 5.10 HF 2 Release (477240) - Last updated: 2022-04-27

Improved station designer performance with very large stations.
Fixed excessive damage from capital ship engines in superhighways.
Fixed workforce consuming resources more often than intended.
Fixed strange location names in notifications and log.
Fixed incorrect orientation of some turrets on Split M Container Storage module.
Fixed menu crash when opening Object Information menu for Kha'ak stations.
Fixed several causes of crashes.

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH
    Добавлено: 18:53 27-04-2022   
 514 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 11(1692)
Репутация: 54
Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
X4 Foundations Public Beta - Version: 5.10 HF 3 Release (479084) - Last updated: 2022-06-13

Примечания к выпуску

Примечание: бета- версия доступна для Windows (Steam и GOG Galaxy) и Linux (только Steam).

Примечание. В этой версии венчурные проекты по-прежнему отключены.


Основные онлайн-функции снова включены, т. е. вы можете входить и выходить из своей учетной записи Egosoft из игры.
Вы сможете получить доступ к любым модификациям окраски, которые есть в вашем онлайн-инвентаре, с теми же ограничениями и условиями, что и раньше.
Вы НЕ сможете строить новые венчурные доки или отправлять корабли в венчурные проекты, и вы не увидите никаких меню, связанных с этим.
Вы НЕ будете принимать венчурные гостевые корабли других игроков.

Версия: 5.10 HF 3 Beta 2 (479084) — 13 июня 2022 г.

- Снова включен доступ к модам окраски в онлайн-инвентаре.
- Исправлены проблемы со входом в онлайн из Steam Deck и в режиме Steam Big Picture (проблема появилась в 5.10 HF 3).

Примечание. Если проблема не указана выше как исправленная, то, вероятно, она не решается в этом патче, но может быть запланирована в будущих обновлениях.

Примечание. При обратном переходе с бета -версии на версию Release у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с элементами управления. Чтобы решить эту проблему, перейдите в меню «Пуск» в игре и выберите «Настройки», «Управление», «Загрузить профиль», затем выберите профиль по умолчанию из списка. В качестве альтернативы, если вы сделаете копию файла inputmap.xml перед запуском бета -версии , вы можете просто скопировать этот файл обратно в папку \Documents\Egosoft\X4. Удаление файла не решит проблему, так как он будет восстановлен из Steam Cloud.


Steam в настоящее время не поддерживает автоматическую загрузку дампа сбоя для 64-битных приложений. Поэтому мы используем сторонний инструмент для предоставления этой возможности. В случае сбоя будет создан стандартный аварийный дамп, который будет загружен на сторонний сайт, откуда мы сможем выполнить анализ для определения причины. Как и в случае аварийных дампов Steam , в эти аварийные дампы не включается личная информация .
CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH
    Добавлено: 00:42 22-06-2022   
 514 EGP

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Сообщения: 4328

Зарегистрирован: 12.08.2014
У нас появилась замечательная возможность повлиять на разработку будущих игр во вселенной X!

Опрос X4 2022
Благодарим вас за участие в нашем опросе X4. Его прохождение займет около десяти минут. В опросе вам будут заданы вопросы о вашем личном опыте в X4: Foundations, вашем отношении к этой игре, ваших пожеланиях и будущих стратегиях серии X, а также о вашем отношении к Egosoft в целом.

Приняв участие в нашем опросе, вы поможете нам сделать серию X еще лучше. Спасибо за вашу поддержку!

CMDR: Fallout(EG)

ED - если застряли: https://discord.gg/w56kPWH

Последний раз редактировалось: alexalsp (23:36 13-07-2022), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 23:36 13-07-2022   
 112 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 9(1057)
Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 1107
Откуда: Смоленск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 01.11.2006
Мы рады сообщить, что в этом году мы будем частью стенда Indie Arena Booth на выставке gamescom в Кельне. Стенд Indie Arena - это совместный стенд, на котором представлена подборка игр со всего мира.

Со среды, 24 августа 2022 года, по воскресенье, 28 августа 2022 года, вы можете найти нас на стенде Indie Arena в Холле 10.2 Кельнмессе. Каждый день будут присутствовать различные члены команды, которые с нетерпением ждут возможности пообщаться с вами. Если вы еще не знакомы с X4, у вас, конечно, будет возможность опробовать игру на месте.

Коротко о том, как справиться с ожиданиями: мы не будем делать никаких новых анонсов на gamescom в этом году. Пройдет еще немного времени, прежде чем мы будем готовы раскрыть следующую главу X4.

Вот еще несколько ссылок по теме gamescom:

Увидимся в Кельне!
«Война, торговля и разбой - три вида сущности одной» (c) Гёте. Про творение Эгософта говорил, не иначе :)

Последний раз редактировалось: S!rAssassin (11:59 01-08-2022), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 11:58 01-08-2022   
 112 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 9(1057)
Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 1107
Откуда: Смоленск, Россия
Зарегистрирован: 01.11.2006
Что ж, теперь и на оф.форуме тов. Gregory из Эгософта пообещал нам новостей под елочку:
We'll have more to say about what's next towards the end of the year.
К концу года нам будет что сказать о том, что будет дальше.

«Война, торговля и разбой - три вида сущности одной» (c) Гёте. Про творение Эгософта говорил, не иначе :)
    Добавлено: 09:11 13-09-2022   
 156 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 8(856)
Репутация: 21
Сообщения: 1336
Откуда: Севастополь
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.2005
Вчера (т.е. 17 ноября) стим закатал какое-то обновление. О чем оно кто в курсе ? Около 300 мегов всё-таки.
На офф. сайте так и не нашел где написано про обновы.

Последний раз редактировалось: Argo (20:18 18-11-2022), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 20:17 18-11-2022   
 210 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(146)
Репутация: 12
Сообщения: 1107
Откуда: 70-й градус СШ
Зарегистрирован: 24.11.2013
Argo :
Вчера (т.е. 17 ноября) стим закатал какое-то обновление. О чем оно кто в курсе ? Около 300 мегов всё-таки.
На офф. сайте так и не нашел где написано про обновы.

Категорически присоединяюсь. Тоже заметил.
    Добавлено: 20:37 18-11-2022   
 156 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 8(856)
Репутация: 21
Сообщения: 1336
Откуда: Севастополь
Зарегистрирован: 08.01.2005
Sovsemneon :
Тоже заметил.

И это - русская озвучка пиратского дополнения. Вау! Супер! ))
    Добавлено: 21:52 18-11-2022   
Канал X4: Foundations: «Новости об игре»
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Цитата не в тему: Увидите где-нибудь ''мамбу'' с пустым трюмом - не стреляйте, это я. (попросил PillBoX)

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