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Канал Freelancer: «FOR FOREIGN VISITORS»
 730 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 10(1350)
Репутация: 223
Сообщения: 2557
Откуда: Samara
Зарегистрирован: 21.03.2003
[O.I.A]Red_Bumper :
problem with their connenction. The most of the german have a good one and those who r laggy use p2p-clients to take advantage from the lags. .

About advantages of lagger -it is a myth though I hear it not less often, than Kaa-charges in cheating. Lags are not advantage but misfortune of players with bad connect. Try to arrange to itself artificial lags -start to download something during game, etc. - and look, as it will be "easy" for you to fight. You see lagger jumping on the screen and it is difficult for you to catch him in your crosshair, but for lagger things are worse- he sees you in a wrong place, with a delay in some seconds, and shoot not to you. I see you ahead and I shoot right at you, but you already sit on my six.. As also rockets of lagger hit target much less often. Therefore among winners of our single and team tournaments there is no modemers. If laggers would have advantage all our best pilots would be modemers.
But most members of OEG have ADSL, and if they have problems with playing on k-play server- it is due location of server, -it`s far from Russia, and due our bad lines.
Хорошо стреляет тот, кто стреляет последним
    Добавлено: 12:04 24-12-2003   
 461 EGP

Репутация: 95
Сообщения: 1629

Зарегистрирован: 09.06.2003
Be sure,that is your floor is covered something soft,before a rolling on it. Ой, не могу!..
Ночной летун, во мгле ненастной
Земле несущий динамит?

А.Блок "Авиатор" 1910 г.
    Добавлено: 20:09 24-12-2003   


Здравствуйте, [O.I.A]Red_Bumper.

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Здравствуйте, [O.I.A]Red_Bumper.

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Надеемся, впредь таких действий с вашей стороны не повториться.

На данное письмо отвечать не нужнo


TO THE BOTH ADMIN: Я поруский понимаю!!!
Ну вот я тебе и ответил...
Если не понятно почитай еще раз правила... Подмигиваю А вот так как ты сделал, являестя нарушением правила за № 2.4 Обсуждения действий модераторов. В приват.и можно подвести под правило № 2.14 Личная переписка. Все, надеюсь первый и последний раз

с уважением,
    Добавлено: 14:18 30-12-2003   


Not, sure but i guess Gudrun told me that you celebrate x-mas on 6th of january!

So i have to say Happy New Year first and than Happy X-Mas ..LOL

And in the last weeks i always wonder why OEG is helping WP to fight us ?
I haven't met any WP yet who hadn't said that all OEGs are cheater and should be banned from all servers. Makes no sense that you help them.
    Добавлено: 11:41 06-01-2004   
 730 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 10(1350)
Репутация: 223
Сообщения: 2557
Откуда: Samara
Зарегистрирован: 21.03.2003
Thanks for a congratulation, Kaa! Улыбка
Yes, our orthodox Christmas is marked at night with 6 for January, 7, and all Russia experiences the tightened holidays Улыбка
Perhaps, we shall come to note Christmas to you, snakes, though recently you became ban our players too actively, even those who practically has no lags (like Zedd/Zeddikus). Расстроен

About a situation with WP- more likely not we help them, and they to us, since WP remained only few players, (and old players – may be 1-2). Here there is nothing surprising- we are your enemies, WP-too. And that they wrote at their forum in September, is obsolete. In personal contacts nobody from us for a long time have heard any bad words about OEG from someone from WP- except one person about whom you know and who does not play more. And they always help us when we ask them.
But I as the chief of a diplomatic Department of OEG understand, that to someone it is favourable to make us enemies with WP...
Хорошо стреляет тот, кто стреляет последним
    Добавлено: 15:32 06-01-2004   


FLCD may work

The latest test on K-Play>Hamburg City< showed that FLCD (FreeLancer Cheat Detect) works and cheater cannot play on the server. In the next couple of days there should be a new release (Niwo said some bugs need to be removed) & probably an extra version for all player with Win98/WinME (FLCD work in Systray-Mode & that scraps the OS Разозлен). Never the less, i must say there is still a problem with correctly displaying the player-state - it means, the program show u as a cheater if u don't start FLCD first or u log on the server to fast after beeinig dropped Расстроен. Giving the server some time-out solves this problem. In few words - the progress is enormous, the results are positive & we all hope that this stuff is going to work someday
    Добавлено: 21:19 06-01-2004   
 422 EGP

Репутация: 82
Сообщения: 1650
Откуда: спросите что полегче
Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2003
It’s good news. But all such innovations have its lacks and advantages. We hope that there will be only last one. Of course cheating is bad manner, and all players must become more honour to other. We should make playing in Freelancer interesting and pleasant for all pilots. And all must understand that it’s impossible without such systems! By the way, our pilots do not stand on a place too. While you test and modernize your cheating detecting system, we have just made and going to test our new anti FLCD. Подмигиваю
Совесть придумали злые люди, чтоб она мучила добрых!
    Добавлено: 00:16 07-01-2004   
 310 EGP

Репутация: 74
Сообщения: 671
Откуда: Украина(Киев)
Зарегистрирован: 12.07.2003
Anyway I like snake clan Подмигиваю Now snake is one of the best powerful clan in the world ! In my mind sure ! I think soon EG will be better ! Freelancer - Rulezz anyway !!! Just a game that connecting ppl all around of the crazy world !
Хочешь рассмешить Бога ,
Расскажи ему о своих планах .
    Добавлено: 01:34 07-01-2004   


Greetings [OEG]! Хы...

Now that I finally registered on your forums and now that we are at war, I would like to wish every [OEG] lot's of fun and may both sides fight with honor. Подмигиваю

See you in space! Хы...

Aesthir out.


    Добавлено: 11:16 20-01-2004   
 403 EGP

Репутация: 65
Сообщения: 946
Откуда: Moscow / Geneva
Зарегистрирован: 15.10.2003
Well, so far, Aesthir, my commends to the WP and the GTF. You guys know your duties, not like some french reloader guys who I won't mention Модератор

Was a pleasure fighting against you. Well, even if I mostly died during our 3you VS 1me fights Рыдания.
Well, I still think I wasn't THAT bad for a guy with only 3 weeks in FL Подозрение.
Was I?
    Добавлено: 14:49 20-01-2004   


Ahhh yes, the first fight in this war...

Indeed we were with 3, but we all wanted to have some fun... Later we took turns however, making it 1v1 in a sence, as you should have noticed Подмигиваю

So you're only 3 weeks in FL? ok, that explains why I killed you several times during the very first pass... I was fearing OEG might not be as good as I had though, but if you're only 3 weeks in this game, then you weren't bad at all Улыбка

I wish you good luck next time we meet in space Mishkan (wich, I'm sure, will be very soon Хы...)

    Добавлено: 15:38 20-01-2004   
 403 EGP

Репутация: 65
Сообщения: 946
Откуда: Moscow / Geneva
Зарегистрирован: 15.10.2003
[WP]Aesthir :

I wish you good luck next time we meet in space Mishkan (wich, I'm sure, will be very soon Хы...)

Not really, as cowardly as I am(at least as the LD think I am), I will have to be absent for the next three days. You can read the reason in the FS forums, in that other thread. Расстроен
    Добавлено: 18:06 20-01-2004   
 960 EGP

Репутация: 276
Сообщения: 5079
Откуда: Kushu, Kusari
Зарегистрирован: 11.05.2003
Information for foreign pilots. EG has opened its own Freelancer server with improved gameplay.
Server name: EG Main HQ 24/7
IP: Port: 2302

General rules
1. All mods and cheats which increase fighting capacity of ship are prohibited, i.e. changing engine’s speed and maneuverability, weapons, as well as ‘mining’ (as a way of getting money and weapon), etc.
List of cheats: (subject to be updated):
- level jumping in accordance with a certain period of gameplay;
- cheated maneuverability of ship;
- increasing of speed of engine/thruster;
- adjusting of characteristics of missiles/torpedoes;
- adjusting characteristics of guns/turrets;
- having mounted any of unavailable in the game weapons/shields/equipment such as nomad laser, uber shields, etc.;
- adjusting armor/shield characteristics of ship;
- using of cloaking device;
- mounting of additional weapons, not available for current ship;
- ‘mining’ for money, weapons.
2. Cruise speed mods are prohibited.
3. Relations (including financial) between players and/or clans as well as relations inside clans are to be defined by players.
4. Allowed mod: Tournament system.
5. Access into Tournament system is granted only by admins. Access may be granted for some period of time or on constant basis. To apply for access player should contact admin through ICQ, IRC or send him private message on EG forum.
6. Admins have right to execute financial inspections of players and/or clans.
7. Reputation of server fully depends on players’ actions and attitude.

1. To establish a bank or warehouse (hereinafter ‘bank’) a group or a clan must submit to server administration an application for license.
2. The application form is submitted from the name of group or clan with a list of pilots characters, the number of which must be equal or more then 10.
3. While applying for license banking character submits the location of bank, its type (bank or warehouse). There must be words ‘Bank’ or ‘WH’, ‘Depot’, as well as clan tag (e.g. [OEG], [RLP]). Banking character is allowed to change location, but he must inform of it in the application. Banking character is allowed to combine both banking and warehouse activities, but he must inform of it in the application.
4. While applying for license banking character submits trade route(s), zones of piracy or mining and other ways of collecting recourses, as well as list of characters providing service for the bank (the list is subject to be updated). There is no limits in numbers of allowed routes and piracy/mining zones.
5. While applying for license banking character submits its policy regarding clients (the policy is subject to be changed).
(CANCELLED)6. Banking character gets from administration starting amount of 25 millions credits, which is freely spent by the bank according to its needs (e.g. banking ship, guards ships and equipment, trade ships, initial capital, etc.)
7. The Bank has right to begin immediately service of its clients according to its credit policy, as well as collect its assets according to the scheme submitted with the license application.
8. Should the scheme of collecting assets or credit policy is changed, banking character must advise administration immediately.
9. Banking character has obligation to account his financial operations and submit report for any period to Administration on first demand
10. Administration has a right to execute full or partial inspection of Bank’s activity at any period of time.
11. Penalties: first violation of banking rules – confiscation of 50% of bank’s deposits, second violation – 75%, third violation – revocation of license and ID ban. Clan is not allowed to open new bank within one month after ban.
12. If there were no any noticed violations of Bank’s activity for the whole month, the Bank assets are increased for 50% - after first month, 75% - after second month and 100% - after third and following months.
13. If there were no any noticed violations of Bank’s activity for 2 weeks, then a group or a clan obtain right to apply for license for next Bank.
14. A group or a clan can have maximum up to 3 Banks and one Warehouse, however, it depends on pilots number of certain group or clan.

Addition to the rules during tournaments, races and others games
1. Rules of tournaments, races and other games are to be announced additionally. During the game, console informs about it the rest of the pilots, not participating the game.

2. Pilots not participating the game are prohibited to have any relations with players with special game tags in their nicknames. Particularly, it is prohibited to attack, impede or help mentioned above players, provide trading operations, etc.

3. For violation article 2 of this paragraph, pilot not participating the game, may be banned from server until the end of the game.

4. Pilots participating the game are prohibited to accept help from players not participating the game, as well as attack them.

5. For violation article 4 of this paragraph, pilot participating the game, may be disqualified and removed from the game.

(subject to be changed)

1. For using non-standard equipment (cloaking device, Champion shield, nomad laser, etc.):
first time – ban from one day to one week;
second time – ban of ID.
2. For money/standard equipment cheating:
first time – confiscation of cheated equipment and money and locking at Alaska system for the period from one day to one week;
second time – confiscation of all money/equipment/ship and transferring to non-sellable Starflyer for the period from one day to one week;
third time – ban of ID.
3. Cheating of characteristics of ship and weapons:
first time – confiscation of money, equipment and ship and transferring to non-sellable Starflyer locked in Alaska system for the period from one day to one month;
second time – ban of ID.
4. Punishment extends to all characters of ID.
5. Any try to create new character on ID which is currently punished is automatically considered to violation of the rules and the character gets the same punishment.
6. Using bad and offensive language in system channel is to be punished by locking in Tohoku system for the period up to one week.
7. For attacking a player in New York and Omicron Theta systems:
first time – locking at Alaska system for the period of 2 days;
second time – locking at Alaska system for the period of one week;
third time – ban of ID for the period of one week.
Ничто не портит цель так, как выстрел.
    Добавлено: 02:51 20-03-2004   
 960 EGP

Репутация: 276
Сообщения: 5079
Откуда: Kushu, Kusari
Зарегистрирован: 11.05.2003
Game ‘Sirius Races’

How to participate?
1. A pilot sends me a private message, in which he informs me about his intention to participate races. Applications are received up to the moment of start.

2. I assign him a number and send it to the pilot.

3. Within 15 minutes right before start of the races the pilot creates a character of the following format of nickname:
nickname_on_EG_forum[assigned_number] (all previous ‘race’ characters will be deleted). If the number of certain character is wrong, then the character will be deleted from the server, and the pilot will not participate the races.

1. Before start the pilot gets starflier with standard weapon/equipment kit and 500000 credits. It is allowed before start to re-equip ship at START planet (only) by spending fully or partially 500000 credits that were given by administration. It is allowed before start to buy another ship at START planet (only) by spending fully or partially 500000 credits that were given by administration.

2. Points of START and FINISH are announced by Arbiter additionally, as well as, the date/time of races. The first pilot who sends trade query to Arbiter at FINISH points is considered as a Winner of races.

3. No speed and other mods. Cruise speed is standard (300).

4. Using of shield bataries, nanobots, missiles, torpedoes, mines and countermeasures is allowed. Docking attack or kill is allowed. Attacking a pilot, whose level of ship and weapon is considerably lower is allowed (game is a game, it’s your fault if you haven’t bought more powerful ship).

5. Arbiter has character of following format of nickname: nickname_on_EG_forum[A]. Arbiter has a right to accept help from the Administration for teleportation, etc. Attacking of Arbiter is prohibited.

6. It is prohibited to use F1 button to re-enter server without leaving (e.g. for buying reputation). If you want to change reputation offers – fly out and re-enter the base. The same situation with saving your position in space. The pilot may re-enter the server only after he leaves it (due to connection lost or according pilot’s wish).
Ничто не портит цель так, как выстрел.
    Добавлено: 21:45 20-03-2004   
 960 EGP

Репутация: 276
Сообщения: 5079
Откуда: Kushu, Kusari
Зарегистрирован: 11.05.2003
IV championship of Sirius Races

Place: EG MAIN HQ 24/7 (

Date: March 27, 2004

Time: 23:00 Moscow time (GMT+3)

START: Docking ring of planet Manhetten, New York system (subject to be changed)

FINISH: Docking ring of Monkey planet, Unknown system (subject to be changed)

List of pilots who have submitted application: (subject to be updated)
1. MeLeK
2. Denis
3. Akira3000
4. $atana
5. Alex_mib
6. mister X
7. ХоХоЛ
8. zedd
9. Tom
10. Murka
11. Hans Gugensolder
12. MVY
13. dameron
14. Sevlam
15. NucleaR

Arbiter: Juni

Ничто не портит цель так, как выстрел.
    Добавлено: 23:35 20-03-2004   


Well, I gotta say: it looks very nice and well thought-through... exept for the bit, how shall we say.... too much bureaucracy and controll-stuff when asking for a bank?

Oh, 1 small thing, something I have seen on other servers and maybe you can make use of it too: Some admins have increased the number of maximum chars per account to above 5... This could be handy when you want for example a bank, a trade char, a fighter char, a racer char, backup char in another system, loot-char close to the wrecks, a backup fighter char, etc...
I personally have no idea how they do that but if you know some server-admins then ask around a bit... If you're interested in it, that is.

(Not that I use that much chars, but I know people on the servers where they changed the number of chars who do use that much Улыбка )
    Добавлено: 01:46 21-03-2004   
 403 EGP

Репутация: 65
Сообщения: 946
Откуда: Moscow / Geneva
Зарегистрирован: 15.10.2003
[WP]Aesthir :
too much bureaucracy and controll-stuff when asking for a bank?

Bureaucracy is good. Just look at the EU. Has done wonders Улыбка Ой, не могу!.. Ой, не могу!..
    Добавлено: 02:04 21-03-2004   
 960 EGP

Репутация: 276
Сообщения: 5079
Откуда: Kushu, Kusari
Зарегистрирован: 11.05.2003
[WP]Aesthir :
Well, I gotta say: it looks very nice and well thought-through... exept for the bit, how shall we say.... too much bureaucracy and controll-stuff when asking for a bank?

It's very simple - if you are not going to sponsor your friends with large amounts of money, you don't have to read this paragraph. Banks are needed by clans mainly during wars.
Ничто не портит цель так, как выстрел.
    Добавлено: 02:59 21-03-2004   


What I mean is: Would it really matter if a bank is abank, warehouse, or both? Most clans I know do not seperate those two...

Also, you have to submit your trade-route... I mean: what would it matter if someone get's bored of that trade-route and start doing another? or start doing missions instead, while that wasn't on the initial application form... I don't see any problem if a bank changes to a different trade route, from ways of earning money, or decides to use more then 1 means of acquiring money.

As long as no cheats, mods, server hacks or other illegal activities are used of course, in wich case an IP ban or atleast a normal ban is in order... But as long as you use any of the normal means in the game to get money, I don't see any problm in that....

Same about the location fo the bank: as far as I know OEG is one of the few clans who use a seperate bank for seperate systems. Most clans i know from Elite simply used 1, maybe 2 banks who could fly to any system and give money where-ever needed. Often they were positioned in systems from wich they could reach any of the most used systems in a few jumps, instead of just having one bank for one system.

So why then having to be so specific on those points? Or is there some reason I apparently don't see? If so, please be so kind to inform me.

    Добавлено: 11:28 21-03-2004   
 960 EGP

Репутация: 276
Сообщения: 5079
Откуда: Kushu, Kusari
Зарегистрирован: 11.05.2003
Aesthir, submitting info about trade routes and way of earning money is necessary because administration must be sure that money is earned legally. Of course, a bank may change anything - all it should do - inform administration. Don't forget, that administration gives 25 millions and then monthly multiplies assets - so the bank has reasons to submit application, legalize itself and get the money.
The other reason - it's role playing with some actions not acctually important but bringing the game some charm.
Concerning the place of location and type of activity - I'll talk to administration about it and they might revise the Rules. Улыбка
Ничто не портит цель так, как выстрел.
    Добавлено: 11:53 21-03-2004   
Канал Freelancer: «FOR FOREIGN VISITORS»
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