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Канал Elite: «Интервю Брабена.»
 1703 EGP

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Откуда: Киев, Украина.
Зарегистрирован: 26.01.2002
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Хотя лучше я полный текст запихну. А то не всегда получается попасть по линку.


Thursday 26th December 2002


Gaming frontiers that is. Although he did briefly mention the new Elite when we caught up with the virtual space race's brightest star

15:22 It's hardly understating the fact that without David Braben (and Ian Bell's) awe-inspiring classic space trade 'em up, Elite, all those years ago, the world of video games would be a very different place. Ask any top designer, games journo or even gamer to name their favourite titles and nine times out of ten you'll hear the name Elite spoken with hushed reverence.
Sure there were a couple of iffy sequels along the way, but with interest in the fourth chapter gaining in momentum all the time, we figured now would be a good time to corner the big man himself and ask a few questions about life, the universe and gaming...

You've been a key part of an industry which, from humble beginnings, has experienced phenomenal growth over the last quarter of a century. What's your take on the way on the life of the games industry thus far?

Braben: The games business can be terribly backward-looking. We have come a long way, but we've barely started in terms of becoming a mature business appealing to a broad range of people. Puzzles and reaction based games like driving games are already starting to mature (by this I mean they are changing less generation on generation), but games involving character interaction have a very long way to go.

I like comparing our business with the film industry, and in terms of games featuring people we are effectively in the 1920s - we just about have 'talkies' - but this is usually confined to cut scenes, and is generally wooden and comical to watch.

On a smaller scale, what for you have been the games that have impressed you the most over the last twelve months?

Braben: Mario Sunshine - It is a beautiful and compelling game, despite the occasional 'rough edge.' Splinter Cell has added some new twists to the 'sneak-em-up' genre, and nice lighting effects, though I didn't particularly like the feel of the game overall.

Which current projects in development, aside from your own, are you most excited about?

Braben: The new Zelda. What I've seen so far looks very good. The cel-shaded look is an interesting approach.

What do you make of the current situation in UK development with numerous companies either closing down or shedding large numbers of staff, and people likening it to the dark times at the end of the Eighties?

Braben: It is sad to see - but fundamentally there are too many games companies, and too many games, most of which never see the light of day. The problem was exacerbated by the sudden glut of games on the Game Boy Advance, and the consequent cancelling of many GBA projects. This hit UK companies very hard.

After being involved in games for so long, do you still get excited about gaming?

Braben: Yes, though with many recent releases I get a terrible feeling of deja-vu.

In terms of your own projects, what stage is the next Elite game at and is there anything you can tell us about any other software you're working on?

Braben: We started development on the next Elite game back in 2000. Sadly we suspended development, as I wasn't happy with the current online infrastructure - particularly for consoles. The project is about to be restarted, so more info soon.

We have a number of other projects in development, including the recently announced "Wallace and Gromit" game with Aardman Animations and Bam!.

And so many years on, what are your feelings towards the original Elite, and the fanaticism it still excites?

Braben: I look back on it with affection. The fanaticism raises the expectations for the next sequel to dizzying heights, but overall I think this is a good thing.

Looking to the future, what do you see as being the next major evolutionary step in gaming? What innovations do you anticipate we'll be seeing over the next five to ten years?

Braben: Two-way conversational speech is probably the next big innovation. By this I mean the ability to understand inflection, interruption, tone - to have a full-blown argument with a non-player character, and all the corresponding expressions to go with it, including gestures, frowns and so on. All sorts of other minor innovations are in the pipeline, but the next biggest is probably the underlying structures to extend the richness of game worlds and stories. Games with believable worlds with ever increasing go-anywhere do-anything feel as in Elite and GTA 3 and 4.

Death Striks from Orbit.
    Добавлено: 00:19 06-01-2003   
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